San Felipe #3 (double soaked)
Lot #: SV-2018-47
San Felipe is one of this producer's medium sized farms and is one of our all time favourites. It’s 38 hectares grown at about 1700 masl. And that is considered as really high altitudes in Salvador. The cultivars in this lot is a mix of Bourbon, Pacas and HSF (a local hybrid between Bourbon and Pacas). The producer is innovative in ways of processing and farming. They separate everything by days of picking and do different processes, fermentation and drying techniques depending on capacity and potential of the lot. In this case it is depulped before it is fermented under water for one night, then it’s rinsed in clean water and again soaked in water for about 10 hours (ie double soaked) before it is carefully dried on patio. They manage the drying times by building up layers and resting the coffees in piles.
General Information
Variety: Bourbon, Pacas
Processing: Fully Washed
Crop Year: 2018
Sensorial Information
Cupping Score: 87.5
Arrival sample cupped August 21st 2018
Currants, red berries, apple jam, red apples, roasted hazelnuts, creamy and velvety body.
Great mouthfeel.
Incredibly sweet and juicy body. Great!!!
Origin: Finca San Felipe by Jose Antonio Salaverria & Sons
San Felipe is one of this producers best performing farms over time. It is in high altitudes being El Salvador and the trees on the farm always looks amazing. It's planted with different types of Bourbon, and are located in steep hillsides. The Jasal group – Las Cruces This farm is part of a project with an El Salvadorian producer, Jose Antonio Salaverria and he’s two sons Andres Salaverria an...
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